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A Swiss night at the Theatre

28 September 2022 @ 18:45 - 21:30
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Join us on the 28th of September at the Swiss Embassy as we embark on a journey of discovery of artistically talented playwrights and actors from Switzerland and afar.

For one night only, the Lecture Hall of the Swiss Embassy will be transformed into a theatre stage where Martina Greenwood and Nabila Dolfini will perform live extracts of two original scripts ‘Ciclopi ‘(Cyclopes’) and ‘Dodici metri di apertura alare’ (‘Twelve metre wingspan’).

Both playwrights have been selected from the platform ‘Luminanza’, our partner for this event (www.luminanza.ch).

Luminanza is a reactor for contemporary Swiss Italian-language dramaturgy. A platform for meetings and workshops in contact with Swiss and international theatre productions, it is an opportunity to discover and deepen dramaturgical writing. Luminanza is a reactor, a space for energy, comparison, growth and invention.

Both performances can also be viewed online as the event will be streamed live. The link and the necessary log in details will be provided nearer the time.

Get ticket here

Date: 28 September 2022
Time: 18:45 - 21:30
Venue Name: Embassy of Switzerland
Address: 16-18 Montagu Place
London, W1H 2BQ United Kingdom

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Organizer Name: Unione Ticinese Londra

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